The Truth About Red Flag Laws

Full disclosure, Red Flag laws are new (2 days old) and it was rushed through so quick most of us have not been able to study every word. If I become aware of false statements I will correct them.

The basics of the Red Flag law include, more background checks for adults under 21, and including a deeper dive into juvenile records. The biggest concern, and their main reasoning for pushing this latest infringement, is the Red Flag Law.

We’re all aware of the shitshow #MeToo has been correct?

Well buckle up for the #MeToo of gun culture. That’s right with this vague language of who can call, it is that bad.

The Basics of Red Flag Laws

The easiest way to explain this is, don’t tell, or show anyone you have firearms. If you do, DO NOT MAKE THEM MAD. That’s right, get ready for pissed off girlfriends, ex wives, roommates, renters, step-kids, and arguably neighbors, disgruntled employees, etc… the language is extremely vague and easy to manipulate.

What happens is this: After you upset somebody they can now call and report you as “unstable” or a “danger to yourself or others” the police will give no warning, and they will show up to your home to confiscate your firearms, and possibly detain you.

Sound like BS yet? Well it should, because it is.

Once the police have taken your firearms, you get to go to court to prove to a judge that it’s BS. Mind you it is most likely going to be the same judge that already ruled in the initial “on the fly” ruling when the “threat” was first called in.

Get the picture yet?

Now when it first gets called in, there (in theory) will be a judge to issue the confiscation order. Think of this as getting a warrant. Which we all know, never goes wrong… When presented with the “concern for safety” the judge will happily oblige. Consider the absolute dumpster fire if the judge says no, and is wrong. If he denies the order and somebody does do harm, loss of job, and civil suits are just the beginning for him. So of course they’ll issue the order. If it’s a false flag and you prove it, what does the judge lose? So of course the confiscation order is issued.

Starting To Sound a lot like 1940 Germany

Now the cops are rolling in. No warning, just show up to an unsuspecting law abiding citizen to take their personal property without proper due process. Oh and you’re armed. Hence the whole point of this. I don’t know about you, but someone kicks my door down they don’t walk back out. That door was locked for their protection, not mine, and their on my turf now. Unfortunately, after the first cop or 2 gets dropped, they return fire. At least hopefully after…. we know how these stories usually go….

Anyway, So now we’ve got 1 innocent law abiding citizen, protecting his family from intruders, murdered by police. Hopefully no family members or dogs are injured, again… we know how that story goes… 2 of the police are rightfully and legally killed for serving an unjust, and unconstitutional confiscation order. An order issued by a scared judge, on the whim of a delusional ex girlfriend. An ex girlfriend that faces ZERO repercussions when proven to be false.

If you’re looking for some good news though, you can check out the 2nd Amendment win the SCOTUS just handed down here.

This Is Infringement And Violates Multiple Sections Of Our Constitution

This law violates the 2nd, 4th, and if you invoke your 5th amendment rights you still lose the other 2. This law is the definition of guilty until proven innocent. Not to mention the thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in fighting this accusation. When it’s all over hopefully they haven’t destroyed your guns. They won’t store them for you, well they might. For an outrageous extortion fee. Or they might allow a 3rd party storage center while in litigation for months or years. All fees of course are still applicable when the scared, or politically influenced, judge denies the motion and decides to not reverse the unconstitutional order.

There is also the major concern of house mates. Lets say you rent your basement out and that guy gets false flagged. Do your guns get confiscated? How bout your kid that’s going to college? 23 year old boys have a tendency to find some crazy chicks. (I had my first kid at 23…) The point is, this unconstitutional law was passed without any thought or real fight, and within weeks of being presented.

To put it frankly, these are the kinds of things we have the 2nd amendment for.

I will update as changes arise. I’m sure this will end up being hear by the SCOTUS at some point probably years from now. Watch you 6 until then, this law is going to make things wild.

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One thought on “The Truth About Red Flag Laws

  1. The Truth About Roe Vs Wade Decision - Dave Baker Outdoors June 27, 2022 at 10:14 am

    […] There would be size restrictions, they’d ban it if it looks scary (and be honest….some do) there’d be age restrictions and background checks, some of you would get in trouble for “high capacity” issues, and with this weeks current infringement, that is Red Flag Laws, anyone could call and report you as unstable. Look at you, most of you are right now! So cops come and confiscate your vagina! Here is the new law you can check out about it. […]

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